Tire Patrol Troubleshooting


Q. Why are some of my sensors showing up with colored boxes around the readings or as question marks? 

A.  All of these - whether you're seeing a gray/yellow/red box or a question mark - communicate that the Hub hasn't seen a signal from that tire in a certain amount of time. If you've been parked for longer than about 15 minutes, then this is completely normal. Even when you boot everything up after parking overnight, the sensors will be in a sleep mode. If you have been stationary for longer than 15 minutes, you can either unthread/rethread the sensors or start driving in order to wake them back up. 

If your sensors do not wake back up using either of the two methods above, follow the steps below:

  1. Go into 'Add Device' and toggle the slider for Tire Patrol to 'Off'. This will delete your sensors. Once you've confirmed the deletion, toggle the slider back to 'On'.

  2. Your Tablet will immediately prompt you to pair. Tap 'Start', then proceed through the steps on the screen.

  3. Once you get to the pairing screen with the countdown timer, unthread and rethread your sensors. It's best to take the Hub with you while you do this (maybe in your pocket or something like that).

  4. If any sensors fail to pair, you can hit 'Try Again' when the timer hits '0:00'. Try threading those non-functioning sensors onto a different tire than the one they're assigned to.

If one or more sensors still fail to pair, then something is wrong with the sensor(s) itself. The first thing to consider is the age of the sensor. If the sensor is great than 1 year old, then we're likely looking at a dead battery. At that point, you'll want to head to the 'Parts Store' and purchase a Battery Replacement set. If your sensor is less than 1 year old, then you'll want to reach out to our Customer Service Champions so we can issue a warranty replacement. 

Q. Why is my tire leaking when I thread on the sensor to my valve stem? 

A.  This is due to the Schrader valve not being fully seated or sticking out above the lip of the valve stem. Make sure the Schrader valve (push valve) in the valve stem is recessed and doesn't stick out above the lip of the valve stem. Failure to do so can lead to air leak if the sensor can't be threaded down all the way to make a good seal.