Command Center Tablet - Troubleshooting


Q. Why does my tablet die even though it's plugged in and charging? 

A. If you are using the RVi charger and USB cable, and the power source isn't keeping up with the power demand, this typically means that the outlet you are using is not providing enough current flow. The tablet needs about 900 mAh when both screen and wifi are active. It is recommended to use an outlet with output power of 5V/1.5A.

However, there are 3 things to check:

  1. Try another (brand new, not used) USB cable in the same outlet.

  2. Try another charger in the same outlet.

  3. Try the RVi charger and USB cable in 110v outlet.

(Note: It is our experience that when plugging the RVi USB cable into a direct USB port on the RV's dash area, that there is not enough current supply to power the tablet or hub.)

Q. My tablet won't connect to my Command Center hub. What should I do?

A. Follow these steps:

  1. Make sure the Command Center is plugged in and the flashing blue LED light is lit (if it is not, either plug the Hub in or press the power button until the lights come on).

  2. Make sure that your Tablet's software is up-to-date. You can check if it is by going into your yellow 'Settings' app, then down to the 'Software Update' tab (WiFi required to update).

  3. If both of the above are on/updated and the Hub still will not connect, try taking both devices outside to a relatively open area and restarting both of them there. It's usually easiest to restart the Hub first, then the Tablet. 

  4. If the two devices still fail to connect, try to repair the Hub to the Tablet. To do this, you'll need to the QR code for your Command Center. Go into 'Add Device' on the Tablet and toggle 'Command Center Hub' to the 'On' position (if it's already on, toggle it off, then back on again). Follow the steps on the screen to scan in the QR code.

  5. If the Hub still will not repair after this, then the issue is likely something software-related on the Tablet's end and we will need to factory restore your device. To do so, follow this link for a video with step-by-step instructions:

  6. If your Tablet and Hub will not repair after factory restoring your Tablet, please contact our Customer Service Champions.