Command Center Hub - General
A. It depends on your setup.
Motorhome + Tire Patrol: If you are using a motorhome and towing a vehicle with the RVi Tire Patrol, the recommended placement is the rear of the motorhome.
Motorhome (without Tire Patrol): If you are using your Command Center in a motorhome, without the RVi Tire Patrol, then place the hub wherever it makes the most sense for your RV.
Trailer: If you are using your Command Center in a travel trailer or fifth wheel, the recommended placement is the front half of the RV.
Q. How long does the hub need to be powered before it will start transmitting and communicating with the tablet?
A. From a dead battery, the hub has to be plugged in for a minimum of 15 minutes, using the RVi USB cable and charger provided, before it will start transmitting.
GEN. 1. The orange LED light indicates that Command Center is charging when the charger is plugged in. The button is a reset button for troubleshooting purposes. In order to reset the hub, the USB must be unplugged.
GEN. 2. On our new model of the hub there are two LED lights. There is a Blue flashing light that indicates the hub is connected/paired with the tablet. The other LED light is either green, yellow/orange, or red, indicating the charging status. The button is now used to turn the hub on or off.
A. The Command Center hub has a battery life of up to 10-12 hours.
(Note: From a dead battery, the hub must be plugged into good power for a minimum of 15 min before it will start transmitting to reconnect to the tablet.)
A. No, the hub is calibrated at the factory. However, if you want to use your hub for leveling in another position other than instructed, you will need to calibrate the level. There is no guarantee that it will level correctly on anything other than a flat surface on the floor.